Friday, March 31, 2006

Ficken Chingers

Honestly, my powers are not enough to decipher the thoughts of this lady. Her blog title is very confusing, if not, totally imaginable. So what is the meaning of it? Anyone who'd decipher it for me please?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Miss Cellania

Favorite movie: Cat in the hat
Favorite music: Pussycat Dolls
Interest: Oreailurus jacobita, Catopuma badia, Felis chaus, Pardofelis marmorata, Otocolobus manul, Oncifelis colocolo, Prionailurus rubignosus, Felis margarita, Felis silvestris and all other 37 species of cats, coming in all shapes, sizes, colors, habitats, and behaviors.

This site should have been Felidae, the cat family, and not Cellania.

After she came up with Cellania (probably her name), I suspect that she thought it was never good enough and hoped for a much ‘un’realistic blog title. I am pretty sure she was finicky on it and was moving her head from left to right trying to hit upon the most effective name for a blog that would, one way or another, discuss a post on cats and their extraordinary, humane characteristics.

I further guess that she really likes cats. But on the other hand her liking may just be so trivial for it isn’t part of her interests. Confusing. However, I understand that cats are completely indecisive. This indecisiveness (or the choice not to decide) could just be a result from law of cats #12: Cats know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and will, therefore, use as little energy as possible.

Overall, I will give Cellania a thumbs up for loving the cats. And I think the cats love her too they'd do anything to impress her, like sleeping in a toilet bowl :-)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Jump in the Ocean

This is a site maintained by a 41-yr-old female coded Maritza. Her interests revolve around knitting, gardening, short stories to even sex (Sorry, please omit the last one. I was only lured by some photos posted in her blog).

JUMP in the OCEAN taken literally would mean a dive in the sea! While you surf, if you just wait for the timer to run out and won't read her articles, you'd probably think this lady is a beach buff. Truth is, she isn't a beach buff. My daring guess is that she is a couch potato who does the knitting and the watching of the (1) Virgin Suicides (2) The Emperor and the Assassin all day long.

Initially, she probably thought 'Jump in the Ocean' would completely embody the challenges she's taking risks to (while knitting or watching a movie...) in her life. This lady, I think, loves to defy danger and plunge herself to anything she feels like doing. 'Jump in the Ocean' is a best description of that!

If you still don't get her title, you better head to the nearest ocean and jump. By then it might help. :-)

My rating:

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I will eat you alive!

No way!

What is this guy thinking about? I cannot exactly relate his blog title to his posts. He says it is a blog for his love for music, home life, and everything in between.

My first impression upon seeing his blog: "Now, here is something scary". However, I was disappointed. First impression never lasted longer than a second. In fact, it wasn't about music or home life. It was more of the 'everything in between'....if you know what I mean.

My rating:

From the Mind of the Creep

He could have used a title like "From the Mind of the Bore". He did not. He opted to use 'creep' because his articles are, to some extent, eccentric. But 'mind' would have been good if replaced with 'ingenuity'. This guy, or probably girl, exhibits ingenuity reflected in his/her ingenuous blog approach.

Whatever he thinks, don't care. Here's what he says, "Some people like me. Most people hate me. I most likely wont like you. What's important for you to understand is thatI don't care either way."

My rating:

To start with......

I'd be a liar if I tell you I do not use traffic exchange sites to gain traffic to 5 of my weblogs. Further, I'd be a big liar if I tell you I do not spend time on your articles and wonder about how your thoughts work. Furthermore, I'd be the biggest liar in this blog world if I insist that I do not entertain a good feeling each time I stumbled upon your very catchy blog titles while surfing.

After some heavy thoughts (BWAHAHA), I decided that I should attempt to decipher your initial imaginings before finally settling down to a blog title the blog world would see. I may get it correctly. Or I may make some guesses that would irk you, but rest assured your blog is one of a kind and that bloggers read it -- including this addict-blogger ME.